Florida Dispensary Packaging Regulations Plain and Simple

Florida Dispensary Packaging Regulations Plain and Simple

Looking to expand your legal cannabis business in a state that’s ripe for the picking? According to the US Census Bureau, The Sunshine State’s 14.6 population growth from 2010 to 2020 pushed it past New York as the nation’s third most populous state. Florida is a medical marijuana state with over 500 dispensaries according to the Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU).

The Orlando Weekly reports that the state’s medical cannabis program is blossoming. The report states the medical marijuana industry in Florida is one of the largest in our country, a $1.8 billion enterprise that continues to flower. What does that mean to you? Over 800,000 potential customers. A recent count by OMMU shows there are over 827,000 qualified patients with active ID cards.  

To navigate the waters of Florida, it’s important you understand the rules of packaging your legal cannabis products for smooth sailing. News Service Florida reports the OMMU adopted the mark below as Florida’s marijuana universal symbol. The symbol must be added to all product packaging, in addition to being included on edible products.  

64ER20-32 MMTC Packaging and Labeling is a good place to start reviewing Florida rules. Here are some important takeaways*.

  • When it comes to packaging for edibles and marijuana in a form for smoking, it shall comply in the following ways. The package shall be plain, opaque, and white. 64ER20-31 (64-4.001) Definitions describe “plain” as black, print lettering, in a sans-serif font, and on a white background with no pictures or graphics other than one image of the MMTC’s (Medical Marijuana Treatment Center) department-approved logo and the universal symbol.                                                                
  • The receptacle shall be child-resistant. In the case of multiple-use usable products and multi-serving edibles, the receptacle shall be resealable such that it continues to be child-resistant after each use or serving.
Child-resistant Flexible Packaging

Not all so-called “child-resistant” flexible packaging is the same. NBi FlexPack offers certified** child-resistant packaging so you can get your packaging right the first time and not have to go through the hassles of having to get your flower and edibles repackaged to meet Florida guidelines. Read our blog article on our certified child-resistant packaging so that you can provide safety for children and to help keep your legal cannabis goods fresh.

Cannabis Flexible Packaging   

Speaking to folks who work in Florida dispensaries is anothe great way to learn tips on flexible packaging for your flower bags and cannabis edibles. Here’s a look at our talks with some experts.

Our first stop was Curaleaf. Curaleaf describes itself as serving 350k+ registered patients across 23 states. We talked to a staff member who asked that we only use her first name. “It’s important that packaging doesn’t get a kid’s attention. It’s hard in Florida, since it’s not recreational, so no colors in the wording, only in our logo,” Nicole stated. “Big, bold lettering grabs medical marijuana patients’ attention for sure.”  

She adds that a clean look is also important to the design. “People are drawn to the leaf in our logo printed on our packaging. When people see it, they know they are getting a good product.”

Curaleaf has a long glass counter showcasing flex packaging, bottles, and boxes. The dispensary sells flower, edibles, pre-rolls, vaporizers, and more.

We are a last-stop shop like a pharmacy where patients get their prescriptions,”  Nicole explained.

My next stop was a location where the staff member asked that the dispensary name and his name not be released. He states that the business has about 50 Florida locations and that they are constantly adding more. This dispensary has two glass counters filled with packaged products such as vape pens in boxes and creams in white bottles. Flexible packaging is in a stockroom only accessible to employees. The staff member brings me a package of flower in a flexible pouch and states it is child-proof. The package features black lettering. “In Florida, packaging must be child-proof, plain white, with no marketing that may attract kids. It needs to look medicinal,” the staff member stated.

He explains that bold lettering and a color logo is most effective on capturing attention. He stresses that in Florida, only the logo can be in color. He states that 40 % of the dispensary’s business is flower, 20% vape cartridges, and edibles coming in as the third most popular item.

“When it comes to choosing a flexible packaging company, the quality of the product is most important,” he emphasized. 

NBi offers an array of top-quality cannabis flexible packaging solutions including exit bags, flat/sachet pouches, and stand up pouches. NBi FlexPack can help your cannabis brand stand out on dispensary shelves with an array of products to suit your needs from flower pouches to gummy bags from cannabis skincare flexible packaging to nutraceutical pouches.

*The above only serves as a summary. Review all rules in their entirety to ensure compliance.

**The liability of CR certification for the final filled product resides with the brand owner.

Want to learn how we can help you with flexible packaging for your flower bags or cannabis edibles in Florida? 

Submit the form below, and get a free quote and complimentary packaging sample. A member of our team will be in touch with personal assistance. 

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